Q&A: Names and Health


“Assalamualaikum. Does changing your name have an effect on health? My mom changed my name a few times when I was younger but never legally. Legally my name is still my original name. I have a few health conditions, it seems that every year there is a new health issue. Do you think changing my name legally will have an effect on anything? Your name can have a lot of meaning”


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wa Rahmatullah,

Yes a good name does have a good effect on a person and bad name does have a bad effect.

The Prophet SAAWS said in a hadith: People will be called by their names and their fathers’ names on the Day of Judgment, so keep a good name.

Now the question is what is considered a good or bad name? A bad name is not necessarily any name that is not Islamic or from Arabic roots. Any name is a good name as long as it has a positive meaning and not something negative, even if it is not something from an Islamic origin.

So please do not get over paranoid about this. As long as your name does not have some clear negative connotation, then there is nothing to worry about insha’Allah. As for your health condition, keep making du’a and ask Allah SWT for healing. Recite abundant istighfaar and Salawaat (durood) upon the Prophet SAAWS for this is a source of peace and healing. Think positive thoughts and keep a healthy regimen of diet and exercise. These are the 2 biggest sources of health and healing. As long as you think your name is making you sick, you will continue to be sick. Rather, have faith in Allah SWT and see yourself as a strong healthy person, and insha’Allah you will see your condition change and improve.

Check these websites for more info about the effect of a name on a person in Islam.



I pray that Allah SWT grants you health and healing and keeps you safe and always happy. Ameen!